San Diego County

Registry of Interpreters

for the Deaf (SDCRID)

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History of SDCRID Board of Directors

and Committee Chair Positions



President: Leah Brown

Vice President: Jojo Sullivan

Secretary: Paul Gabriola

Treasurer: Jessica Cole

Community Representative I- Working Interpreter: Jessica Tinoco

Community Representative II- Deaf: Angelo Ricasata

Community Representative III- Mesa College: Shannon Chafik

Community Representative IV- Palomar College: Azucena Ceja

Community Representative V- BIPOC: Razi Hall

Past President: Vacant

Standing Committees

BIPOC: Geri Mu and Norma Villegas

Bylaws: Reina Castro

Communications: Vacant

Fundraising: Aaron Brewer

Librarian: Annette Miner

Member Services: Elizabeth Mendoza

Mentorship: Vacant

Nominations: Vacant

Professional Development: Nathan Brown and Lori Bellama

Scholarships: Lucy Annett

Web Administrator: Lucy Annett

Young Professional Interpreter Network: Kiley Rizzo and Starr Lang



President: Leah Brown

Vice President: Jojo Sullivan

Secretary: Paul Gabriola

Treasurer: Jessica Cole

Community Representative I- Working Interpreter: Jillean Reitz

Community Representative II- Deaf: Angelo Ricasata

Community Representative III- Mesa College: Alejandro Servin

Community Representative IV- Palomar College: Vacant

Community Representative V- BIPOC: Razi Hall

Past President: Nathan Brown

Standing Committees

BIPOC: Sendy Medina and Geri Mu

Communications: Reina Castro

Librarian: Annette Miner

Member Services: Elizabeth Mendoza

Mentorship: Vacant

Nominations: Andrea Slaughter

Professional Development: Jessica Tinoco and Norma Villegas

Scholarships: Lucy Annett

Young Professional Interpreter Network: Marisa Contreras



President: Billieanne McLellan

Vice President: Vacant

Secretary: Abby Coyer

Treasurer: Johnna Hitt

Community Representative- Working Interpreter: Jillean Reitz

Community Representative- Deaf: Ranem Shhadeh

Community Representative-Mesa College: Vacant/Alejandro Servin

Community Representative-Palomar College: Erin Espinoza

Past President: Nathan Brown

Standing Committees

Communications: Reina Castro

Librarian: Annette Miner

Member Services: Elizabeth Mendoza

Mentorship: Vacant

Nominations: Andrea Slaughter and Leah Brown

Professional Development: Jessica Tinoco and Norma Villegas

Scholarships: Ashley Bajaj/ Vacant

Young Professional Interpreter Network: Marisa Contreras

Ad hoc Committee

Bylaws to ASL: Abby Coyer


President: Nathan Brown 

Vice President: Alex Woodford

Secretary: Abby Coyer

Treasurer: Johnna Hitt

Community Representative- Interpreter: Jillean Reitz

Community Representative- Deaf: Ranem Schwab Shhadeh

Community Representative- Mesa College: Natalie Cuddy

Community Representative- Palomar College: Reina Castro

Past President: Jennifer Pelloni

Communications: Vacant

Historian: Vacant

Librarian: Annette Miner

Membership: Elizabeth Mendoza

Mentorship: Lori Bellama, Geri Mu

Professional Development: Lynnette Miller, Billieanne McLellan

Publications: Vacant

Scholarships: Ashley Bajaj

YPIN: Beth Anderson, Brandy Moody, Ingrid Salazar

Webmaster: Vacant


President: Nathan Brown 

Vice President: Alex Woodford

Secretary: Leah Brown

Treasurer: Johnna Hitt

Community Representative- Interpreter: Jillean Reitz

Community Representative- Deaf: Lynnette Miller

Community Representative- Mesa College: Marie

Community Representative- Palomar College: Kelly Large/ Brandy Moody

Past President: Jennifer Pelloni

Bylaws: Vacant

Communications: Liz Mendoza

Fundraising: Vacant

Historian: Pebbles Rose

Librarian: Sheila Mariezcurrena

Membership: Coty Toscano

Mentorship: Lori Bellama, Geri Mu

Nominations: Morgan Johansen

Professional Development: Marquette Laquay

Publications: Leah Neumann, Holly Baijnauth, Scott Keller

Scholarships: Denise Robertson

YPIN: Jay Jempson, Dania Grande

Webmaster: Emilee Linahon


President: Jennifer Pelloni

Vice President: Nathan Brown

Secretary: Leah Brown

Treasurer: Vacant/ Johnna Hitt

Community Representative- Interpreter: Vacant

Community Representative- Deaf: Lynnette Miller

Community Representative- Mesa College: Leah Neumann

Community Representative- Palomar College: Jeremiah Sifuentes

Communications: Elizabeth Mendoza

Fundraising: Vacant

Historian: Carrie Kaufmann

Librarian: Sheila Marie Currena

Membership: Vacant/ Coty Toscano

Mentorship: Lori Bellama, Geri Mu

Nominations: Vacant/ Margan Johansen

PDC: Marquette Laquey

Publications: Leah Neumann, Holly Baijnauth, Scott Kellet

Scholarships: Alex Woodford

YPIN: Laura Weitz/ Jay Jempson, Dania Grande

Webmaster: Emilee Linahon


President: Jennifer Pelloni

Vice President: 



Community Representative- Interpreter:

Community Representative- Deaf:

Community Representative- Mesa College:

Community Representative- Palomar College:











President: Jennifer Pelloni

Vice President: Nathan Brown

Past President: Mala Poe

Secretary: Leah Brown

Treasurer: Vacant

Community Representative- Interpreter: Jade Morris

Community Representative- Deaf: Lynnette Miller

Community Representative- Mesa College: Sydnie Kapalla

Community Representative- Palomar College: Ingrid Salazar

Bylaws: Elizabeth Mendoza

Communications: Vacant

Historian: Vacant

Librarian: Vacant

Membership: Vacant

Mentorship: Vacant

PDC: Lynnette Miller, Mala Poe

Publications: Vacant

Scholarships: Alex Woodford

YPIN: Kristin Deverin, Andrea Pond

Webmaster: Vacant


President: Judith Kroeger/ Jennifer Pelloni

Vice President: Jennifer Pelloni

Secretary: Vacant

Treasurer: Billieanne McLellan

Community Representative- Interpreter: Abby Coyer

Community Representative- Deaf: Marla Marks

Community Representative: Jennifer Johnson

Community Representative: Sabrina Vasconelos

Bylaws: Kristin Devlin

Communications: Elizabeth Mendoza

Historian: Vacant

Librarian: Jillean Reitz

Membership: Laurel Fisher

Mentorship: Lisa Sands
Professional Development:

Publications: Cami Miner

Scholarships: Karen Boyle

Nominations: Barbara Love McIntosh

Professional Development: Mala Poe, Lynnette Miller

Webmaster: Ed Balentine


President: Mala Poe

Vice President: Judith Kroeger


Treasurer: Biilieanne McLellan

Community Representative- Interpreter:Abby Coyer

Community Representative- Deaf: Marla Marks

Community Representative- Mesa College: Eric Brown

Community Representative- Palomar College: Barbara McIntosh-Love

Bylaws: Elizabeth Mendoza

Historian: Chelsea Cheeks

Librarian: Jillean Reitz

Membership: Laurel Fisher

Mentorship: Rachel Groner, Lisa Sands

Nominations: Kate Bartey

Publications: Andrea Pond

Scholarships: Karen Boyle

Professional Development: Lynnette Miller, Mala Poe

Public Relations: Sendy Medina

Webmaster: Ed Balantine


President: Mala Poe

Vice President: Judith Kroeger

Secretary: Jillean Reitz

Treasurer: Vacant

Community Representative- Interpreter: Beth Lilley

Community Representative- Deaf: Johnny Young

Community Representative- Mesa College: Jazmyne Lemar

Community Representative- Palomar College: Robert Ruknavina

Bylaws: Elizabeth Mendoza

Historian: Vacant

Librarian: Jillean Reitz

Membership: Laurel Fisher

Fundraising: Brittany Wagenbach

Mentorship: Rachel Groner

Professional Development:

Publications: Andrea Pond

Public Relations: Sendy Medina

Scholarships: Lisa Sands

Young Professionals Interpreting Network: Andrea Pond

Webmaster: Ed Balantine


President: Mala Poe

Vice President: Brian Bliss

Secretary: Connie Mather

Treasurer: Carla Izaguirre

Community Representative- Interpreter: Judith Kroeger

Community Representative- Deaf: Johnny Young

Community Representative- Mesa College: Ashley Agapay

Community Representative- Palomar College: Brittany Wagenbach

Bylaws: Elizabeth Mendoza

Historian: Eric Poe

Librarian: Jillean Reitz

Membership: Heather Doty

Mentorship: Karen Boyle, Martin Yost

Publications: Andrea Pond

Nominations: Kate Bartey

Scholarships: Emily Nelson

Professional Development: Annette Miner, Loycene Sollman

Public Relations: Leticia Mendoza, Sendy Medina

Webmaster: Ed Balantine


President: Mala Poe

Vice President: Brian Bliss

Past President: Rick LaBar

Secretary: Billieanne McLellan/ Connie Mather

Treasurer: Carla Izaguirre

Community Representative- Interpreter: Judith Kroeger

Community Representative- Deaf: Johnny Young

Community Representative- Mesa College: Vacant

Community Representative- Palomar College: Melissa Hopkins

Bylaws: Elizabeth Mendoza

Fundraising: Dustin Pelloni

Historian: Jennifer Andrade

Librarian: Rachael Sudhalter

Membership: Heather Doty

Mentorship: Martin Yost, Karen Boyle
Professional Development:

Publications: Eric Poe

Nominations: Jennifer Andrade

Public Relations: Leticia Mendoza, Sendy Medina

Scholarships: Emily Nelson

Webmaster: Eric Sudhalter


President: Rick LaBar

Vice President: Mala Poe

Secretary: Connie Mather

Treasurer: Carla Izagguire

Community Representative- Interpreter: Judith Kroeger

Community Representative- Deaf: Naomi Sheneman

Community Representative- Palomar: Sean Farley

Community Representative- Mesa: Kyle Lucken

Community Representative- CODA: Daphne Craft

Bylaws: Elizabeth Mendoza

Fundraising: Dustin Pelloni

Librarian: Rachael Sudhalter

Membership: Marla Marks

Mentorship: Lori Whynot

Nominations: Jennifer Andrade

Professional Development: Billieanne McLellan

Public Relations: Lety Mendoza, Aurora Crutchfield

Publications: Eric Poe

Scholarships: Lisa Sands

Webmaster: Eric Sudhalter


President: Rick LaBar

Vice President:  Mala Poe

Secretary: Carla Mathers

Treasurer: Carla Izaguirre

Community Representative- Interpreter: Suzanne Lightborn

Community Representative- Deaf: Naomi Sheneman

Community Representative- Palomar: Sean Farley

Community Representative- Mesa: Chartae Hardy

Community Representative- CODA: Loycene Solomon

Community Representative- Educational Interpreter: Joni Dunn

Bylaws: Jennifer Eck

Certification/ Evaluation: Billieanne McLellan

Membership: Kate Morgan

Mentorship: Lori Whynot

Nominations: Jennifer Andrade

Professional Development: Mala Poe

Public Relations: Lauren Coffman

Publications: Eric Poe

Scholarships: Tessa Connelly

Webmaster: Eric Sudhalter


President: Rick LaBar/ Kathi Heiser

Vice President:  Rick LaBar

Past President: Elizabeth Mendoza

Secretary: Jamie Dollick

Treasurer: Eric Sudhalter, Jennifer Eck

Community Representative: Rachel Sudhalter

Community Representative: Carla Warnock

Bylaws: Jennifer Eck, Eric Sudhalter
Certification/ Evaluation: Billieanne McLellan

Mentorship: Lee Bradley

Professional Development: Mala Poe

Public Relations: Lauren Coffman

Publications: Eric Poe, Lori Niitani

Webmaster: Eric Acteva


President: Elizabeth Mendoza

Vice President: Rick LaBar

Secretary: Denise Robertson

Treasurer: Danielle McDowell

Community Representative: Sandy Smith

Community Representative: Cindy Safford

Community Representative: Heather Quinn

Bylaws: Kathi Heiser

Conference: Elizabeth Mendoza

Certifications/ Evaluations: Tammy Fletcher

Legislation: Heather Ruth

Membership: Kristi Kulik

Nominations: Jennifer Andrade

Professional Development: Anelia Glebocki, Nadine Walters

Public Relations: Lauren Coffman

Publications: Lori Niitani

Scholarships: Tessa Connelly

Web Development: Jared Evans

Calendar: Karen Simonich


President: Elizabeth Mendoza

Vice President: Rick LaBar

Secretary: Heather M

Treasurer: Phil Carmona

Community Representative: Kathi Heiser

Community Representative: Melanie Nakaji

Community Representative: Heather Quinn

Bylaws: Kathi Heiser

Certifications/ Evaluations: Tammy Fletcher

Fundraising: Amy Glisson

Legislation: Heather Ruth

Membership: Kristi Kulik

Nominations: Jennifer Andrade

Professional Development: Anelia Glebocki & Wendy McNair

Public Relations: Lauren Coffman & Cassidy

Publications: Lori Niitani

Web Development: Val


President: Elizabeth Mendoza

Vice President: Heather Kern

Secretary: Jennifer Mosemak

Treasurer: Deanna, Phil Carmona

Community Representative: Chuck Mason

Community Representative: Melanie Nakaji

Community Representative: Kathi Heiser

Membership: Monique Barbour

Professional Development: Jim Diggins, Anelia Glebocki


President: Elizabeth Mendoza

Vice President: Heather Kern

Secretary: Jennifer Mozemak

Treasurer: Jan Sullivan

Community Representative: Chuck Mason

Community Representative: Janet Maxwell

Community Representative: Melanie Nakaji

Bylaws: Mimi Francis

Membership: Melissa Murphy

Fundraising: Jeanette Martocchio

Meeting Location: Stephanie LeBrun

Nominations: Kaylyn Waisbrot

Professional Development: Wendy McNair, Rick LaBar

Public Relations: Kathi Heiser, Catie Price

Publications: Chris Mack

Scholarships: Jean Kelly

Web Development: Chuck Mason


President: Rose Pablon


President: Tracy Norris

Vice President: Rose Pablon


President: Tracy Norris

Vice President: Rose Pablon


President: Angela Jones

Vice President: Liz Mendoza

Treasurer: Jean Kelly

Newsletter: Chance Adair


President: Angela Jones

Vice President: Liz Mendoza

Treasurer: Jean Kelly

Newsletter: Chance Adair


visit Board & Committees page for email addresses

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