San Diego County Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
Association Bylaws
Article I. Name The name of the organization shall be San Diego County Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (SDCRID). |
Article II: Principal Office The principal office for the transaction of the organization's business is fixed and located in San Diego, San Diego County, California. The Board of Directors may, at any time and from time to time, change the location of the principal office from one location to another, provided that such new office shall be within the organization's area of San Diego County and neighboring counties. |
Section 1. Objectives The principal objective of this corporation is to initiate, sponsor, promote and execute policies and activities that will further the profession of the interpretation of American Sign Language and English and the transliteration of English. The organization shall be an affiliate chapter of the national Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc. (RID), and shall uphold the purposes and abide by the policies and procedures established for affiliate chapters of RID. The objectives of this affiliate chapter shall be to: A. Maintain, uphold, and promote the Code of Professional Conduct for interpreters and transliterators,B. Provide for the professional development of interpreters and transliterators, C. Provide the public with information and resources regarding interpreting and transliterating, and; D. Support the activities of organizations of and for deaf and hard-of-hearing persons, and of and for interpreters, transliterators, and translators, insofar as such activities are not in conflict with the general purposes of this organization or those of RID. |
Article III. Membership The Board of Directors may, from time to time, recommend levels of membership and appropriate dues for each level. All members of a particular level shall pay equal annual dues though the annual dues for different levels may be different. Such recommendation shall be presented to, discussed by, and approved by the membership. Notice of such a recommendation must be provided to the membership not less than 30 days prior to the meeting at which the recommendation will be presented. Membership classifications are: A. Certified - Any interpreter or transliterator of American Sign Language and/or English who holds valid certification accepted by RID. B. Associate - Any RID pre-certified individual who is actively engaged in the interpretation of American Sign Language and English and/or the transliteration of English, but does not hold valid certification accepted by the RID. C. Student - Any RID pre-certified individual currently enrolled in a course of study in Interpretation of American Sign Language and English and/or transliteration of English through an Interpreter Training Program and who does not meet eligibility requirements under Section 1.A or 1.B. D. Supporting - Any non-RID certified individual with an interest in supporting the purposes and activities of the SDCRID who does not meet eligibility requirements under Section 1.A, 1.B or 1.C. E. Organization - Any organization/institution with an interest in supporting the purposes and activities of SDCRID. |
ASL VIDEO COMING SOON! | Section 2. Eligibility A. Application for Membership: Any individual or organization may join the organization by submitting appropriate personal information (such as, but not limited to name, contact information, RID membership level and certification status), agreeing to support the goals and interests of the organization, and paying annual membership dues. B. A member who has paid the established annual dues for the current membership year shall be considered a member in good standing. C. The membership year shall be July 1st through June 30th. Section 3. Voting Rights and Requirements A. Each voting member of the organization shall be entitled to a single vote. In the event that an organizational level of membership is established, a member of the organization shall be entitled to a single vote. The organizational member cannot simultaneously be a single member and have two votes. B. In order to be a voting member of SDCRID, a person must be a member in good standing, and be a member of both SDCRID and the national Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID). C. Any decision of the Board of Directors may be vetoed by a 2/3 majority vote of those voting members, as described under Section 3(A), who are present during the meeting. Section 4. Termination of Membership An individual’s membership in SDCRID can be terminated for the following reasons: A. Non-payment of membership dues. B. Resignation. C. Failing to return SDCRID related materials as outlined in the lending agreement. Section 5. Transfer of Membership SDCRID membership is non-transferable. Section 6. Change in Membership Category A member who has a change in membership category will immediately be entitled to the privileges thereof. Beginning with the next fiscal year, dues for that member shall be based on the new membership category. Section 7.NAD-RID Code of Professional Conduct Compliance Individual members of RID, while interpreting, shall follow the NAD-RID Code of Professional Conduct established and implemented by the association and shall be subject to the Ethical Practices System. |
Article IV. Directors Section 1. Composition of Board of Directors The Board of Directors shall be comprised of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and four (5) Community Representatives. In addition, the immediate past President shall serve as a voting ex officio member of the Board of Directors for one 2-year term. |
Article IV Section 2. Powers and Limitations All organizational powers shall be exercised by or under the authority of the Board of Directors. Unless so authorized by the Board of Directors, no officer or agent shall have any power or authority to bind the organization by any contract or engagement or to pledge its credit or to render it liable monetarily for any purpose or in any amount. All charges, responsibilities and membership directives shall persist until fulfilled regardless of any changes to the makeup of the Board of Directors. Specific powers and limitations are defined in the Policies and Procedures Manual. A. Limitations: Directors shall not concurrently serve as elected officers on the national Board of Directors of RID. |
Article IV Section 3 Duties A. General Duties 1. Perform duties as prescribed by the voting membership, the Board of Directors or as required by law. 2. Approve committee expenditures and contracts obligating organization. 3. Upon completion of their terms, meet with their newly elected successors to ensure a smooth transition. |
Article IV, Section 3 B. Officers: 1. The President shall: a. Represent SDCRID in all appropriate activities. b. Call, prepare agenda, and preside at meetings of the members and/or Directors. c. Appoint chairs for such committees as are established by these Bylaws, and as may be established ad hoc. d. Provide at least quarterly reports to the membership concerning business and Board of Director’s activities and financial status of the corporation. e. Sign checks in the absence or nonavailablitiy of the Treasurer. |
2. The Vice President shall: a. In the absence or disability of the President, assume all the duties and bear all the powers of the President. b. Sign checks in the absence or nonavailablitiy of the Treasurer. 3. The Secretary shall: a. Keep complete and accurate record of the proceedings of the Board of Directors. b. Supervise the keeping of all organizational records. c. Issue meeting notices as are required to establish duly called meetings and actions. d. Sign checks in the absence or nonavailablitiy of the Treasurer. | 4. The Treasurer shall: a. Maintain full and accurate financial records of the organization, making at least quarterly financial reports to the members. b. Promptly pay for authorized expenditures. c. Supervise budget planning and forecasting to ensure the organization’s financial solvency. d. Have authority to sign checks, deposits, and warrants for the withdrawal of organizational funds. e. Submit financial statements to authorities as required. 5. The Immediate Past President shall: a. Serve in an ex-officio for one term. b. Assist the President during the transition into office. c. Serve as an advisor to the President. d. Assume special assignments as determined by the President. e. Attend Board meetings. | 6. The Community Representatives shall: a. Serve as liaisons between the membership and the Board of Directors. b. Assist in coordinating activities and communications in and among the organization. c. Serve as resource persons to the membership. 7. Executive Committee shall: a. Be comprised of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and immediate past President. b. Have full power and authority to take action on emergency issues in the event that the entire Board of Directors is unable to convene. |
Article IV, Section 4 Qualifications A. Each officer serving on the Board of Directors and/or as a Committee Chair of the organization must be a member of SDCRID as well as a member of RID. In addition, the President shall have been a member of SDCRID AND a member of RID for at least two years prior to serving. B. All officers, except the Community Representatives, shall have been SDCRID members in good standing for a minimum of nine (9) months prior to candidacy. All officers shall maintain membership in good standing with SDCRID AND RID throughout their terms of office. C. President shall have five (5) years interpreting experience AND certification recognized by RID. D. Vice President shall have five (5) years interpreting experience AND certification recognized by RID. E. Executive Board members must have certification recognized by RID. |
Article IV, Section 5 Term of Office A. Officers shall serve a two-year term, except the two Community Representatives for Students, which will be one-year terms. Terms shall begin on the first day of the membership year. In the case of an appointment to office, the term of office shall begin immediately upon appointment. B. No officer shall hold the same office for more than two consecutive terms. C. The President, Vice President, and Community Representative number I (Working Interpreter) shall be elected in even numbered years. D. The Community Representatives, numbers III and IV (Student Representatives for Palomar and Mesa Colleges), shall be elected yearly. E. The Secretary, Treasurer, and Community Representatives, numbers II and V (Deaf Community and BIPOC) shall be elected in odd numbered years |
Article IV, Section 6 Nominations and Elections A. The election of officers shall take place during the last general meeting of the membership year. B. In the event a special election is deemed necessary by the Board to address instances of an invalid election, one will be conducted in accordance with the voting procedures as outlined in these bylaws no later than 90 days from the date the election was deemed invalid. |
Article IV, Section 7 Balloting and Elections |
A. Balloting 1. Balloting of regular membership and Board of Director motions may be conducted by show of hands, electronic ballot or written ballot. 2. Unless otherwise provided in these Bylaws, motions and elections shall be carried by a simple majority of the votes present at the time the motion is made and discussed. 3. Elections and Bylaws revision referendums may be conducted during duly called meetings of the membership or by mail. Ballots shall be collected no later than the announced deadline. If conducted electronically, shall be date-stamped no later than the announced deadline. 4. A valid election of officers must be constituted of at least 20 percent of the total eligible voting membership. | B. Election of Officers The President, Vice President, and Community Representative I (Working Interpreter) shall be elected in even numbered years; the Secretary, Treasurer, and Community Representatives II and V (Deaf Community and BIPOC) shall be elected in odd numbered years; and the Community Representatives III and IV (Student Reps) shall be elected every year. 1. Elections and Bylaws revision referendums may be conducted during duly called meetings of the membership or by electronic mail. Ballots shall be collected no later than the announced deadline. If conducted electronically, shall be date-stamped no later than the announced deadline. 2. A slate of candidates, including their background and qualifications, shall be sent to each voting member not less than 14 days prior to the election meeting. In the event of an uncontested office, the candidate shall be considered elected without balloting. 3 The Nominations Committee shall issue a call for nominations for open positions not less than four months prior to the end of the membership year. Nominations may be accepted from the floor. 4. At least two members of the Nominations Committee and an appointee from the general membership shall count the ballots. No candidate shall participate in the counting. 5. Election results shall be announced at the election meeting and in the next issue of the organization newsletter. |
Section 8. Vacancies A vacancy on the Board of Directors shall occur upon resignation, removal, or death of any officer, or when the number of Board positions is increased by amendment of these bylaws. A vacancy shall occur when an officer moves outside the affiliate chapter area, as stated in Article II; this situation would require the officer’s immediate resignation. A. Removal of Directors: The Board of Directors may declare vacant any office for which the director has been removed due to: 1. Legal action or for cause as detailed in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised. 2.. The Director fails to maintain membership in the organization or in the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc. 3. A formal grievance against the Director has been substantiated by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc., or by a two-thirds majority of the Board of Directors. Cause for removal by the Board of Directors shall be limited to misconduct directly associated with the Director's office. B. Appointment to Fill a Vacancy: The President shall nominate a candidate to fill any vacancy. Final appointment of the candidate shall require an affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining officers of the Board. Individuals appointed to fill a vacancy shall be appointed for the remainder of the term of their predecessor. |
Section 9. Meetings of the Directors A. Regular Meetings: The Board of Directors shall meet at least four times annually on dates and at locations selected by the Board. These meetings shall be announced to the Directors and members at least 14 days in advance, and shall be open to members and/or visitors unless otherwise designated. B. Special Meetings: These may be called by any two executive committee members and shall be announced to the Directors at least three days in advance, unless all Directors agree to waive such notice. C. Meetings by Electronic Conference: Any meeting, regular or special, may be held by electronic conference or similar communication equipment, so long as all Directors participating in the meeting can communicate with one another. Section 10. Quorum A simple majority of the members of the Board of Directors are required to attend in order to constitute a quorum in order to conduct organizational business. Section 11. Compensation The members of the Board of Directors of SDCRID shall receive no compensation for their services as Directors. |
Article V. Committees Upon the majority of the vote of the Board of Directors’ approval, the President shall appoint and charge any committees, including standing, special and/or ad hoc. Committee chairs, with the approval of the Board of Directors, may have the authority to act on behalf of the organization and initiate contracts for goods and services as necessary to fulfill committee projects. A. Standing: A standing committee is one that is deemed to have ongoing duties or to have such importance as to require it to be continually formed B Special/Ad Hoc: The President may establish ad hoc committees when deemed necessary. Such committees shall have specific, short-term tasks, which shall be defined at the time of their formation, and shall serve until deemed no longer necessary by a majority decision of the Board. C. Appointment to Fill a Vacancy: The President shall nominate a candidate to fill any vacancy. Final appointment of the candidate shall require an affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining officers of the Board. Individuals appointed to fill a vacancy shall be appointed for the remainder of the term of their predecessor. |
Article VI. Meetings of Members Section 1. General Membership Meetings A. The membership shall meet at least two times annually, one meeting being held during the last three months of the membership year. Each officer shall present a status report during each meeting. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with these bylaws. Where these bylaws do not cover conduct, Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be definitive. The Secretary shall provide written notice, via mail or electronic source, consisting of the date, time, and specific location of the meeting, to all members not less than 14 days prior to the meeting. B. Quorum and Voting Eligibility: A quorum for general membership meetings shall consist of at least ten percent of the total eligible voting membership of the organization. Eligible voting members shall be members in good standing of SDCRID AND RID. Such quorum may, by majority vote of the voting members present, transact any business stated in the call for the meeting, except as otherwise provided by statute, or elsewhere in the bylaws. Every voting member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote on each matter of SDCRID’s business to be acted upon at such meetings. Section 2. Special Meetings Special meetings of the members may be called at any time by the Board or by written petition of not less than ten percent (10%) of the voting members. Written notice of the time and place of special meetings shall be given at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. Article VII. Dues and Fees In order to remain in good standing, a member must pay annual dues in advance of the July 1st of each fiscal year, in amounts to be fixed from time to time by the Board of Directors. Dues are in arrears as of August first of each fiscal year. The Board of Directors shall not increase or decrease membership dues by more than ten percent (10%) without a majority vote of the membership either at a meeting of the membership or by mail referendum. The dues shall be equal for all members of each category, but different dues may be set for each category. Membership must be notified of any changes in dues or fees at least 90 days prior to the anticipated implementation. Furthermore the Board of Directors may determine and assign the payment of a reasonable late fee and reinstatement fee. Article VIII. Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the organization shall begin July 1st and end June 30th. Article IX. Amendment of these Bylaws A. The Bylaws may be amended or repealed by approval of two-thirds majority of the voting members of the Organization, eligible and present during a regular or special meeting of the membership, with ninety days prior notice of the proposed Bylaws changes. However, any amendment that would materially and adversely affect the rights of a specific membership category must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the members voting from that affected category who are present at the meeting. B. It is the purpose of these bylaws to serve the administrative needs of the organization. They may be amended periodically to meet changing needs, provided that recommended amendments are not in conflict with the stated goals and objectives of the organization and those of RID. C. An amendment shall be made if a two-thirds vote favors of the amendment. D. The membership shall be notified of any changes to these bylaws within 30 days after those changes are made. E. Any bylaws changes that National approves should be passed down to SDCRID and not require two-thirds vote from the membership. F. Should the Bylaws Chair decline to formally propose an amendment suggested by members, the members shall have recourse by petition, making a submission in the same form as described in Article IX, Sections A-E. Such submission must be accompanied by the signatures of at least ten percent of the voting membership. Article X. Non-Discrimination Policy The SDCRID shall not discriminate in matters of membership, scholarship or other benefits afforded by the SDCRID on the basis of age, color, creed, disability, ethnicity, hearing status, national origin, race, marital status, military status, religion, sex or sexual orientation. Article XI: Dissolution of the Organization The organization shall be dissolved when: A. A two-thirds majority of the membership assent to dissolution in a referendum conducted under the same procedural guidelines as is described in Article IX for Bylaws amendment. B. Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc. ceases to recognize the affiliated status of the organization for failure to comply with the goals, objectives, policies, procedures, and Bylaws of Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc. Upon dissolution, the Executive Board shall forward all assets and records of the organization to the national office of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc. XII. Parliamentary Authority The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable and consistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order that RID may adopt. |